Artificial Intelligence has been a topic of fascination and fear for decades. With recent advancements, it has become a reality that we must embrace. However, there are still many misconceptions about the impact AI will have on our future. Some of the common ones include: people will lose their jobs, evil minds can commit frauds by leveraging AI. In this blog, we will explore the potential future of technology and how it will impact our lives.
Unutilized Potential of AI in India
While Artificial Intelligence has made great strides in recent times, it still has a long way to go. A handful of people in India who know about AI are using tools for tasks like generating content and images. But, it’s just the top of an iceberg. The Artificial Intelligence can solve complex problems, but only if we start utilising it properly. The one tool which has gained several eyeballs is ChatGPT. But, mostly it is being used for creating content and images rather than research and solution building.
Impact of AI on Employment
There’s a widespread myth that AI will take away several jobs. However, it is important to understand that AI will not replace humans. It will make people more efficient and productive by giving them ways to accomplish the same tasks in less time. By automating mundane tasks, AI allows humans to focus on more meaningful & creative work. Ultimately, this results in an increased productivity. One of the primary areas where AI will have a significant impact is in repetitive tasks. The professionals who are in such jobs must learn new AI tools to be more efficient and productive. Hence, to stay in the game, people must upgrade their learnings and skillsets.

Low Computer Literacy Rate & Limited Access to Technology in India
The National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) report states, “Only about 10% of the population has ever used a computer.” The same report also stated that the computer literacy rate in urban areas is significantly higher than in rural areas.
As of 2021, approximately roughly 25% of the population in India use smartphones. Which means we have more consumers than producers. It’s alarming that our producers are producing solutions to complex problems or just creating content &images?
Artificial Intelligence has been touted as the next big thing in technology. Many experts are predicting that it will revolutionize the way we live and work. With a low computer literacy rate & limited access to technology, many are questioning whether India is ready for the AI. However, I believe if we start training and coaching the professionals AI tools, we can create a meaningful impact. Together, we can build the products and services that can be actually useful for the entire human race.
Embracing AI Future in India with Responsibility and Collaboration
It is an exciting technology that has the potential to change our lives for the better. However, it is important to understand its limitations and use it responsibly. As AI rapidly advances, it is essential for India to fully embrace its potential. With the right training and responsible utilization, we can overcome limitations and create a better future for all. Let’s not fear AI, but instead use it to our advantage and shape its impact for the greater good.

In conclusion, AI’s impact on our future in India is inevitable. It is up to us to shape its impact for the greater good. By embracing its potential, utilizing it responsibly, and ensuring that all individuals have access to the necessary training and technology, we can create a brighter future for all. Let’s not fear AI, but instead, let’s work together to harness its power and solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. The future is in our hands, and we must take action now to shape it for the better.